The Soviet Protocol: Kettlebell Training
The Soviet Protocol: Kettlebell Training
Would you like to recover the lost strength secrets of the Soviet Union?
To train like a Cold War super soldier?
Today you have ONE chance.
I've interviewed defectors and studied film from Soviet government archives.
And then I distilled all of that intel down into a single unstoppable kettlebell training program.
This is a limited edition program available for a limited time.
Program info:
-Length: 8 weeks
-Frequency: 4 workouts per week.
-Equipment: one kettlebell (light band recommended but not required)
-Expertise: program scales for anyone from beginning kettlebell novices to advanced experts.
What are the reps and sets?
This is the coolest kettlebell program I’ve ever done. The work is simple and straight forward but highly effective. The Soviets knew their business - that’s for sure.
I was very intrigued to learn about this style of training. I just purchased some kettle bells and I want to learn how to get strong with them, and understand good technique. This program is entirely written out, some YouTube links to show examples. But some of the moves have no links and have to search them. It makes the whole thing to hard to work with, and I don’t think I’ll ever use it again after trying a couple days to make it work. I was hoping for videos and better explanations, and understanding why the programming was set the way it was.
Its only one week worth of training, and then ir repeats itself for the rest of the time. Be vary, now you know what you paying for, as I had no clue and am a bit dissapointed.
I have no idea bc I never received it even though it says delivered.